Sample Marc

What is a Marc Experience?

Through IoT technology, Marc takes audiences through a memorable journey, from the delivery of a branded device, to an engaging multimedia campaign, to valuable interactions that provide deep insights into customers.

It’s an intelligent marketing tool that brings your brand to life.

Woman holding Marc

What can Marc be used for?

The opportunities are limitless, but here are some tested use cases:

  • Promote Products
  • Launch Brands
  • Demo Products
  • Brand Building
  • Train Users
  • Customer Feedback
  • Customer Acquisition

What makes Marc powerful?

It’s all about technology. Through a partnership with AT&T, 5G technology is integrated into standard video brochures, making Marc the first direct marketing tool that allows you to:

  • Personalize messaging and content
  • Enable customers to interact with your brand
  • Uncover insights that are crucial to understanding the customer journey
  • Re-Engage throughout the customer lifecycle
  • Activate personalized calls to action
  • 2020 100% of the global population is expected to have IoT coverage
  • 94% of advertisers see a positive ROI on their IoT investment.
  • 51% of marketers worldwide expect IoT to revolutionize the marketing landscape.
Woman standing against a wall with arms crossed

What kind of insights are collected?

Campaign intelligence is at the core of what makes Marc powerful. Data and insights, collected in real time, are integral to profitable sales strategies—and help marketers effectively prove ROI. That’s why Marc campaigns provide coveted first-party data on audience behavior and interests.

Key Metrics:

  • Opens
  • Impressions
  • Feedback/Interactions
  • Duration
  • Top Locations
  • Location Change

Key Insights:

  • What’s the best time to reach the prospect?
  • How many times did they re-engage?
  • Which content are they interested in?
  • What sentiment did they express (like/dislike)?
  • Did they travel with the Marc?

Ready to start?

Schedule a demo with us. We can’t wait to show you what Marc can do!

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Let’s Get You a Marc

Please provide a mailing address and we’ll send you a sample Marc.

Marc Campaign Onboarding

Marc Recycle Kit Request